
Cohga offers a range of solutions tailored to meet the requirements of specific industries including local government, property, geoscience and indigenous heritage information management.

Property Information Management

Cohga’s Property Information Management System (PIMS) is a web application that integrates task management and financial reporting for land acquisition and compensation programs on major infrastructure projects.

Indigenous Heritage Management

Cohga’s Indigenous Heritage Information Management System (ACHRIS) is a web application that combines a forms-based workflow and spatial system to provide staff, key stakeholders and the public the ability to query, report and manage cultural heritage information in a single, easily accessible spatially-enabled environment.

Council Information Management

Weave is used by many Australian Local Governments, both large and small. Weave is a proven solution for enhancing Local Government business. Weave integrates with all common Local Government enterprise solutions. Weave is GIS technology independent and not reliant on a single provider or vendor.

Geoscience Management

Cohga’s Geoscience Information Management System is a spatially enabled web application that provides staff, key stakeholders and the public the ability to query, report and manage tenement and geoscience information resources.