
City of Manningham

The City of Manningham have replaced legacy technology, implementing, testing and rolling out Weave in rapid time.

The Weave system delivers all their existing functionality along with new capability and the integration of enterprise systems for Property and electronic document management (EDM), with the additional benefit of an open systems platform that underpins the integration of future corporate information systems.


Utility expands use of Weave

Gävle Energi will release the use of the Weave iPad client to its field workforce after a successful pilot. The municipal energy utility also has plans to connect the Operations and Network Departments in order to share real time and historical outage, infrastructure and maintenance information.

In addition, the company will increase the service delivery capabilities offered to its customers by replacing the static customer information interface used since 2008 with a dynamic interface backed by Weave.


Gävle Kommun rolls out Weave

Gävle Kommun is a municipality in east central Sweden with a leading role in renewable energy and land information, being the home to Lantmäteriet, the Swedish National Land Administration and mapping agency.

Closely related to Gavle Energi, The municipality has adopted Weave for the integration of several IT systems and the dissemination of their information.

The City started its Weave deployment by with property, population and address information (the basedata used by all users) and with the first users being the building permit area, where new functions and custom reports were rapidly configured to satisfy immediate business demands.

The next step in the system rollout is to replace a legacy system.

Gävle Kommun is closely related to Gävle Energi, the local energy provider, and has also built a modular configuration in Weave, so Gävle Energi can just plug in their specific configuration and use the same infrastructure for its needs. A common hierarchical security strategy in four levels 1)Public, 2)domain 3)department and 4)sub department was implemented to support all components of the municipal organisation.

The City is implementing the Weave technology through Cohga’s business partner Viamap.


Gävle Energi goes mobile with iPad

Gävle Energi, a regional electrical utility north of Stockholm uses Weave to provide its mobile workforce with information on demand from centralised systems through the use of Weave in iPad devices.

The mobile users have direct access to ArcGIS services to trace faults and identify affected customers. In addition, the use of WeaveLink to integrate the Weave interface with other applications has proven to be a significant advantage.


Weave Data Editing Extension now available

The Weave data editing extension enables end users to add, edit and delete records (entities) in their corporate spatial system, including snapping to existing features.

This capability is ideal for staff in the field, where a browser-based interface with focused functionality can increase productivity while saving the costs associated with licensing desktop spatial applications.

For more information on the Weave Data Edit Extension, read the full story.


Swedish Transport Authority receives two Australian awards

Trafikverket, the Swedish road and rail transport authority, uses the Weave data editing extension to enable inspectors in the field to add, edit and delete information from their central systems on demand. In 2011, the Stigfinnaren project won the Victorian Spatial Industry Award in the category of Spatial Export Award and the Victorian Government Award for Spatial Excellence.

On 1 April 2010, the Swedish national roads and railway authorities were merged into a single organisation called Trafikverket.

Weave was chosen for two roles in the administration of Trafikverket. Initially, to implement a true national portal called “Stigfinnaren” (Pathfinder), based on a prototype previously tried in the Stockholm region, followed in 2012 by the enhancement and replacement of some 15 individual web-based applications.

One of the web applications recently implemented is the use of the Weave Data Edit extension to provide inspectors in the field with the capacity to add, edit and delete information from their central systems in real time.

This project won the Victorian Spatial Industry Award for 2011 in the category of Spatial Export Award. The judges commented “This project clearly demonstrates that through clever and innovative strategies, soundly based local products can successfully compete in a marketplace on the other side of world. It combines innovative approaches to communication and product support with clever marketing and collaboration strategies“.

At the same function, the Stigfinnaren project won the Victorian Government Award for Spatial Excellence, with the citation “Judges were impressed by the success of this project in a competitive overseas environment and by the project planning and support that allows very complex and disparate systems to be integrated and presented through a single portal. All remotely controlled from Melbourne. It clearly demonstrates a local product that has achieved world best practice“.

For more information on the project, read the full story.


Cohga wins Victorian Government and Asia Pacific Spatial Industry Award

Aboriginal Affairs Victoria, a unit of the Department of Planning and Community Development has won first the Victorian and subsequently the Australian Spatial Excellence 2011 awards in the category Community Service for the ACHRIS system based on Weave.

The award recognises the efforts of the Department of Planning and Community Development and particularly its Aboriginal Affairs Victoria section for the efforts in improving the services to Aboriginal communities through the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Register and Information System (ACHRIS) system.

At the time, the judges commented “In another very closely fought category, ACHRIS addresses a community based problem with wide ranging impacts. The system has garnered strong support from the Aboriginal community as a key stakeholder, while at the same time streamlining the business processes that support the management and protection of our Aboriginal Cultural Heritage“.

Graeme Taylor with the national award at the APSEA function in Canberra for the ACHRIS system presented by Ed Garvin Director SIBA (Right). With him are two other representatives of the ACHRIS team, Peter Hodder, Director of Tekbase (Left) and Shannon Whitty from Aboriginal Affairs (Second from Right).

For more information on the ACHRIS system, read the full story.



City of Melbourne and Cohga win VSEA Awards

City of Melbourne’s Weave implementation has been awarded the Victorian Spatial Excellence Award in the category of Spatially Enabling Government and the top award of the spatial industry in Victoria.

The City of Melbourne Property and Assets Spatial System (CoMPASS), based on Cohga’s Weave technology, is central to the City of Melbourne frontline service, providing customer hotline staff with quick access to property and asset information from integrated specialist systems to ensure fast and accurate recording of customer issues.

Recording customer issues spatially ensures responsible officers and sub-contractors are quickly deployed to the right place to address customer needs.

Council staff can now gather invaluable insight into a site before leaving their office; 360° views and historic imagery of sites combined with detailed cartography enables officers to plan their site visits thoroughly and quickly, saving time and ensuring effective preparation.

Spatially linking customer issues enables analysis of trends geographically and through time, enabling continuous improvement of council services and optimisation of council resources.

The event was documented in the newsletter of the Spatial Industries Business Association.